More Ways to Succeed with ADHD

I just received my copy of More Ways to Succeed with ADHD. I have to admit – it’s pretty exciting to see one’s name in print next to the strategies shared in the book. It’s also really interesting to read the strategies, tips and insights from the other ADHD coaches and experts who have contributed to this third book in the ADHD Awareness Book Project series.

ADHD coaches are well aware that what works for one person does not necessarily work for someone else because we each possess a unique set of strengths, interests and relative challenges. And, of course, we each have very different circumstances in which our ADHD(ish) characteristics show up.

There is a lot of wisdom in the book – wisdom that can cause several reactions:
1) Wonder at the varied approaches of the contributors, truly a testament to the creativity of the ADHD mind
2) Validation of the strategies that you may have already come up
3) Inspiration for even more strategies that you are anxious to try

The book launch is October 2nd, a day when those who purchase the book have access to a number of bonuses from the contributors. Get out your calendars and mark the date.

What Went Well – and Why?

Here is a sneak peek at another one of Roxanne Fouché’s contributions to More Ways to Succeed with ADHD: Even More Strategies for 2013 from the World’s Best ADHD Coaches and Experts to Help You Succeed with ADHD:

Many people find it difficult to focus on what is working vs. the things that are not going well. But it is important to understand and acknowledge our strengths and triumphs because they are the foundation upon which we build success. Research in positive psychology has shown that it is very helpful to acknowledge what is going right in our lives. At the end of the day, write down 3 – 5 things that answer the question: What Went Well – and Why? Focusing on the “wins” of the day and your part in allowing them to happen helps you repeat those actions for continued success. The added bonus is that when you know that you are going to be writing what went well (and why), it shifts your focus so that you are actively looking for the positives throughout the day.

How Change REALLY Happens

Here’s a sneak peek at a tip that Roxanne Fouché contributed to the upcoming book, More Ways to Succeed with ADHD: Even More Strategies for 2013 from the World’s Best ADHD Coaches and Experts to Help You Succeed with ADHD:

When we want to make a change in our lives, it’s helpful to plan what we want to do, think about the value of that change, and decide how we want to accomplish our goal. Adequate preparation for a change includes designing small, doable steps, sharing our intentions with others (so we have accountability partners), as well as anticipating potential obstacles and how we might want to deal with them.

It’s also helpful to know that change is not straight forward, moving seamlessly from contemplation to action. Rather, studies have shown that backtracking is a common part of the change process, allowing us to learn from the experience and figure out what got in the way. This learning through trial and error allows us to gain more self-knowledge from the experience, making it that much more likely that the next time we begin, we will succeed.


Say Again?

Here’s another one of the tips offered by Roxanne Fouché in 365+1 Ways to Succeed With ADHD: A Whole New Year’s Worth of Valuable Tips and Strategies From the World’s Best ADHD Coaches and Experts:

ADHD can get in the way of someone’s paying attention to, understanding, and/or remembering what someone else is saying. When kids are small, parents often get their children’s attention before they speak and then ask them to repeat back what was understood. As we get older, it’s up to us to practice good listening skills with family, friends, teachers and people at work. We need to let someone else finish speaking before we say something (not an easy task for many of us!). We can also ask questions to make sure we understand and remember what was said. This could be as simple as asking for repetition (“I’m sorry, can you repeat that?”), asking clarifying questions (“So is the meeting at 10:00 or 10:30 on Tuesday?”) or confirming your understanding (“Okay, just so we’re on the same page, you want me to have this ready by the 14th.”).


When You Say NO, What Are You Saying YES To?

Below a sneak peek at one the tips from Roxanne Fouché appearing in the upcoming book, 365+1 Ways to Succeed With ADHD: A Whole New Year’s Worth of Valuable Tips and Strategies From the World’s Best ADHD Coaches and Experts:

There will be a book launch party with extra “goodies” from the contributors for those who buy the book from on October 11, 2012. Stay tuned!

People with ADHD can find themselves saying, “yes” before they have taken the time to consider the consequences. Because time is a finite resource, for every “yes” that we offer, we are naturally saying “no” to something else. “Yes, I’ll be on the committee” means “no” to some family time; “yes” to the project means “no” to a different activity that has more potential or is more interesting. To break the habit of automatically saying “yes,” pause between someone’s request and your response so that you have time to think it through. You might say, “Hmm, interesting idea. I’ll get back to you on that.” Although it’s nice to be agreeable and to be considered a team player, sometimes “no” is the best response. When you say “no,” you are giving yourself the opportunity – and the permission – to say “yes” to something that is more important to you.

365+1 Ways To Succeed with ADHD

Sarah D. Wright and Roxanne Fouché are pleased to announce their participation as co-authors of the new book, 365+1 Ways to Succeed with ADHD. The book is a follow up to 365 Ways to Succeed with ADHD, which became a #1 bestseller on in 2011. The new book is expected to be available in September in anticipation of ADHD Awareness Week (October 14-20, 2012).

Succeeding in College

Here’s another tip from Roxanne Fouché appearing in the book, 365 Ways to Succeed with ADHD: A Full Year of Valuable Tips & Strategies from the World’s Best ADHD Coaches & Experts!!!

Available from

College can be particularly challenging for students with ADHD because academic expectations increase while there is a decrease in external structure. Students may have difficulty prioritizing competing demands on their time as there are varying class times and new daily routines. Even if it wasn’t necessary in high school, many college students find it extremely useful to use paper or digital planners to map out their days, scheduling the actual times that they plan to accomplish their goals: going to class or work, studying, eating, sleeping, laundry and other errands, exercise and/or social activities.

Put On Your Own Oxygen Mask First

Here’s one of the tips offered by Roxanne Fouché that appears in the book, 365 Ways to Succeed with ADHD: A Full Year of Valuable Tips & Strategies from the World’s Best ADHD Coaches & Experts!!!

Available at

Mothers, especially those whose children have ADHD or other difficulties, have a tendency to place others’ needs ahead of their own. It would be wise to follow the recommendation of the flight attendants who advise passengers that if there is a loss of cabin pressure, parents should put the oxygen masks on themselves first and then on their children. When parents take care of themselves with a good diet, exercise and sufficient sleep, they have the wherewithal to deal with the challenges of raising children and fully enjoy its rewards.

College and ADHD

Academically, college can be a challenge for any student – but especially for one with ADHD, learning disabilities or related issues. Academic expectations increase in college at a time when there is a decrease in external structure from parents and school. There is often limited feedback on class progress, as tests occur infrequently, and daily homework is rarely assigned to ensure that students are keeping up with their reading or other assignments. Students often have difficulty independently forming daily routines (waking up, going to bed, eating, studying, exercising, taking medication, doing laundry, and other chores), especially because their class schedules typically change from day to day. In addition, students may have difficulty prioritizing competing social and academic demands while enjoying the newfound freedom to make their own decisions.

There are several ways to set students up for success at college. Students with ADHD may be eligible for accommodations in college, whether or not they had a 504 plan or special education services in high school. Such accommodations might include testing in a separate and quiet environment, extra time for exams, note taking assistance, and/or priority registration among other accommodations. Students and their parents should contact the disabilities office at the college to find out the department’s procedures for beginning this process.

Another very helpful option is coaching for college students so they might discover personalized tools and strategies that allow them to successfully set goals, manage time, begin (and complete!) tasks, maintain focus, organize and prioritize, as well as balance life’s demands.

Call us today for a complimentary consultation to see how coaching might help you or teen succeed in the college environment.