Happy ADHD Awareness Month!

October is ADHD Awareness Month, a whole month of ADHD activities and information! According to the website, www.ADHDAwarenessMonth.org, the mission of ADHD Awareness Month is “to educate the public about ADHD by disseminating reliable information based on the evidence of science and peer-reviewed research.” For great information about ADHD, including an adult self-test for ADHD, stories about ADHD, a list of events (some of which are online), blogs, resources, and posters to share, go to www.ADHDAwarenessMonth.org.


The information on the ADHD Awareness Month website was compiled by a coalition of organizations dedicated to assisting those with ADHD, including ADDA (Attention Deficit Disorder Association, which focuses on adult issues, www.add.org), ACO (ADHD Coaches Organization, www.adhdcoaches.org), CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, www.chadd.org), ADDitude magazine (www.additudemag.com) and the National Resource Center on AD/HD, a program of CHADD (www.help4adhd.org).

During this month of raising awareness of ADHD, we can all share information with those who don’t seem to “get” ADHD. In addition, you might spend time this month increasing awareness of how your own ADHD strengths and challenges – or those of someone you know – affect work and home life. The first step in moving forward is focusing awareness on what is, and is not, working. The next step, of course, is making a plan to address those things that you would like to change.

So what do you notice about your own ADHD? We’d love to read your comments. And if we can be of help as you pinpoint how ADHD impacts you and what strategies, tools and habits you might use to live effectively with ADHD, contact us at info@FocusForEffectiveness.com.

What Went Well – and Why?

Here is a sneak peek at another one of Roxanne Fouché’s contributions to More Ways to Succeed with ADHD: Even More Strategies for 2013 from the World’s Best ADHD Coaches and Experts to Help You Succeed with ADHD:

Many people find it difficult to focus on what is working vs. the things that are not going well. But it is important to understand and acknowledge our strengths and triumphs because they are the foundation upon which we build success. Research in positive psychology has shown that it is very helpful to acknowledge what is going right in our lives. At the end of the day, write down 3 – 5 things that answer the question: What Went Well – and Why? Focusing on the “wins” of the day and your part in allowing them to happen helps you repeat those actions for continued success. The added bonus is that when you know that you are going to be writing what went well (and why), it shifts your focus so that you are actively looking for the positives throughout the day.

How Change REALLY Happens

Here’s a sneak peek at a tip that Roxanne Fouché contributed to the upcoming book, More Ways to Succeed with ADHD: Even More Strategies for 2013 from the World’s Best ADHD Coaches and Experts to Help You Succeed with ADHD:

When we want to make a change in our lives, it’s helpful to plan what we want to do, think about the value of that change, and decide how we want to accomplish our goal. Adequate preparation for a change includes designing small, doable steps, sharing our intentions with others (so we have accountability partners), as well as anticipating potential obstacles and how we might want to deal with them.

It’s also helpful to know that change is not straight forward, moving seamlessly from contemplation to action. Rather, studies have shown that backtracking is a common part of the change process, allowing us to learn from the experience and figure out what got in the way. This learning through trial and error allows us to gain more self-knowledge from the experience, making it that much more likely that the next time we begin, we will succeed.


Video Contest for ADHD Awareness Week

There is an exciting video contest that is part of the buildup to ADHD Awareness Week (October 14- 20, 2012). This video contest offers people of all ages an opportunity to share their stories while educating, inspiring and entertaining. Check out the website for rules and prizes at www.ADHDAwarenessWeek.org/videocontest. Video submission starts July 15th and ends August 30th, 2012.

The ADHD Awareness Week coalition consists of CHADD, National Resource Center on AD/HD (NRC, a program of CHADD), ADHD Coaches Organization (ACO), Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA) and ADDitude magazine. The website (www.ADHDAwarenessWeek.org) has a lot of great information as well as fact sheets that can be downloaded and printed.

Please pass this information along to anyone who might be interested. Thank you!

ADHD Awareness Week. It’s here!

It’s here! ADHD Awareness Week 2011!

Make a difference! Download the 7 Facts You Need to Know About ADHD, and the ADHD Awareness Week poster, and (with permission) put them up at your school, local library, and place of work.

You can also take the ADHD Awareness Week Surveyhow much do YOU know about ADHD?

Focus For Effectiveness is celebrating ADHD Awareness Week 2011 by waiving the $250 start-up fee for anyone who signs up for one month of coaching during the week of October 16 – 22, 2011.

So give us a call at 858-484-4749 or send an email to Info@FocusForEffectiveness.com. We’ll be happy to talk with you about whether coaching is the thing you’re looking for.


Roxanne Fouché
Sarah D. Wright
Founders, Focus For Effectiveness, LLC
With locations in Encinitas and Rancho Penasquitos, San Diego County, California

Book Launch!

Tomorrow (Tuesday, October 11, 2011), 365 Ways to Succeed with ADHD, a book we have helped co-author, becomes available!

Click here on Tuesday, October 11th to buy our new book!

In 365 ways to succeed with ADHD, you will learn from us, and 80 other ADHD experts, what you need to succeed with ADHD – all in bite-sized ADD-friendly format. There is a full year of tips and strategies to succeed with ADHD, written with you in mind. Within its pages is that tip or strategy you have been looking for, so don’t miss out!

Make sure you buy on Tuesday, October 11th!

Because on October 11th, 2011, and October 11th only, when you order a copy of this brand new book, you will also have access to over a thousand dollars worth of amazing bonus gifts from the co-authors themselves, including:

  • Complimentary consultations from your very own Focus For Effectiveness Coaches
  • Chapters from popular ADHD books and authors, such as Fidget to Focus, a perennial favorite on using natural strategies and techniques for managing the symptoms of ADHD by Dr. Roland Rotz and Focus For Effectiveness co-founder and coach Sarah D. Wright.
  • Your own personal Time Management Guide and Workbook
  • The 5-step Mindset Program for Success
  • MP3 recordings of the one hour Teleclasses: Time Management Strategies for Adults with ADD / ADHD, How to Overcome Procrastination, and Connect with Your Teen
  • The Seven Step Guide to Getting Control of Your Day – and Maybe Your Life!
  • Invitation to a live upcoming Teleclass to answer your ADHD questions
  • Transformational Meditation Guide for People with ADHD
  • Immediate access to download the e-books: The Keys to Getting Started and Brain Surfing and 31 other Awesome Qualities of ADHD
  • A copy of The Parenting Wheel of Life
  • The No-Nagging Guide to picking the right college for parents and students
  • And much more!

These amazing bonuses, worth over a thousand dollars, are available only when purchasing the book on Tuesday, October 11th, so make sure you follow this link on Tuesday to learn more and get your own copy of 365 Ways to Succeed with ADHD, plus all the great bonuses!

Here’s to your success!


Roxanne Fouché
Sarah D. Wright
Founders, Focus For Effectiveness, LLC
With locations in Encinitas and Rancho Penasquitos, San Diego County, California

ADHD Awareness Week Special Offer

Remember, the week of October 16 – October 22 (next week!), 2011 is ADHD Awareness Week!

Make a difference! Download the 7 Facts You Need to Know About ADHD, and the ADHD Awareness Week poster, and (with permission) put them up at your school, local library, and place of work.
You can also take the ADHD Awareness Week Surveyhow much do YOU know about ADHD?

Focus For Effectiveness is celebrating this event by waiving the $250 start-up fee for anyone who signs up for one month of coaching during the week of October 16 – 22, 2011.

So give us a call at 858-408-9338 or send an email to Info@FocusForEffectiveness.com. We’ll be happy to talk with you about whether coaching is the thing you’re looking for.


Roxanne Fouché
Sarah D. Wright
Founders, Focus For Effectiveness, LLC
With locations in Encinitas and Rancho Penasquitos, San Diego County, California

ADHD Awareness Week: October 16-22, 2011

Join us, the coaches at Focus For Effectiveness, in getting the word out about ADHD. The week of October 16 – October 22, 2011 (one month from now!) has been designated ADHD Awareness Week. The mission of ADHD Awareness Week is to educate the public about ADHD by disseminating reliable information based on the scientific evidence and peer-reviewed research.

For more information about ADHD Awareness Week and the latest research and treatments, go to www.ADHDAwarenessWeek.org.

You can make a difference! Download the 7 Facts You Need to Know About ADHD, and the ADHD Awareness Week poster, and (with permission) put them up at your school, local library, and place of work.
You can also take the ADHD Awareness Week Surveyhow much do YOU know about ADHD?


Focus For Effectiveness is celebrating this event by waiving the $250 start-up fee for anyone who signs up for one month of coaching during the week of October 16 – 22, 2011.

So give us a call at 858-484-4749 or send an email to Info@FocusForEffectiveness.com. We’ll be happy to talk with you about whether coaching is the thing you’re looking for.


Roxanne Fouché
Sarah D. Wright
Founders, Focus For Effectiveness, LLC
With locations in Encinitas and Rancho Penasquitos, San Diego County, California